Wednesday, February 3, 2010

So Long! Farewell! Kiss.Kiss.

So after a year, of planning, sharing, telling, and enjoying the self directed work of blogging in my own little way, I've decided to hang up my shoes, definitely for indefinitely. I am not sad. Don't be sad.

I have always found inspiration in inspiring others to be their best but now it's time for me to step up to the plate. To be the best mom, wife, friend, and woman that I can be right now, today, I need to focus more on real-life relationships, including the big one with myself. So as of this moment, I am a full time mother to two awesome boys, in love with the kindest man on the planet, trying to let go of any stress or worry unrelated to the present, and frankly, trying to have a bunch more fun!!!

When, and if I decide to step back into the blog-a-sphere, I will let you all know! That day will come, but only if I can commit to it like a proper monogamous relationship, no more friends with benefits for this blogger!!! So with that, Thank You! Thank You! Thank You for all your kind words, support, and inspiration. It's been a fun ride! If there is anything you would love to know more about, just care to chat, or if there is something you think I can't live without seeing, please keep in touch! Have a great 2010!

A Bientot!



  1. I'll miss your blog, but kudos to you for your decision!!! You truely are a Whole Momma!

  2. A first I was surprised and sad to hear this. Such an unexpected thing to me, but I know it was a very thoughtful and intuitive move on your part. I am happy for you! and all the boys, who will have more of your time!
